• Tumbled Blue Lace Agate

      for confident communication

      Say goodbye to unclear and unconfident communication with this Tumbled Blue Lace Agate, sourced from South Africa. Blue lace agate helps you open your Throat Chakra to speak your truth from the heart. If you’re afraid or uncomfortable sharing your inner wisdom and ideas with...
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    • Dark Lavender Perfume for deep peace, rest, and relaxation

      In times like these, true rest and relaxation are important, and my Dark Lavender Perfume is here to help you do just that! With layers of lavender from around the world, each bottle is infused with an amethyst chip stone for extra blissful energy. Lavender’s...
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    • Phantom Amethyst Root Crystal

      for harmony and spiritual development

      You’re never alone in the search for harmony and spiritual development with this gorgeous Phantom Amethyst Root Crystal! This piece is absolutely stunning and is from Bahia, Brazil. Amethyst is all about connecting with Source and comes from the ancient Greek word “amethystos,” which means...
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    • Sodalite Moon and Star Carvings for peaceful sleep

      If you’re looking for a good night’s rest, these Sodalite Moon and Star Carvings are your offering! Sodalite is the Dreamcatcher Stone that assists in releasing fears of the unknown. It helps you get restful sleep, banishing nightmares, and allowing only sweet dreams. The Moon...
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    • Wellness Perfume

      for fortifying mind, body, and spirit

      It’s so important to take proactive measures to maximize your well-being – and that’s why I created my Wellness Perfume! This perfume was handcrafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters with two of my favorite wellness-bringing notes: Eucalyptus and lavender, to revitalize and strengthen your...
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    • Hemium Quartz Attunement Sphere

      for energetic alignment

      Are you looking to align and open your energetic centers from Root to Crown? This Hemium Quartz Sphere is a beautiful and rare offering to work with for attunement, grounding, and ethereal connection. It’s custom-made just for Sage Goddess and the stone is from India....
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