Of Light and Shadow 5: Working with the crystalline grid of the planet



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My Of Light and Shadow 5: Working with the crystalline grid of the planet class is the final of two meditations in this series aimed at creating a sacred container to ground into as you do your work. In western society, we are taught to hide or minimize emotions that are not pleasant or attractive. When you are rejected for any reason, especially in early life and by a parent or partner, a wave of emotions rises within your psyche: shame, embarrassment, and deep pain. And while we should work through those feelings to understand their root cause and integrate our feelings in the moment as they are happening, we often do the exact opposite: we push those feelings down, repress them, ignore and deny them, lock them up in a tiny box, without realizing that they cannot be repressed or denied forever. When you push your feelings down or compartmentalize them into one corner of your mind, you only put a temporary hold on them; they will resurge later, often in an enhanced and more powerful form, and in ways that can be destructive to you or others.

Your shadow is the collected mass of pain, shame, and sorrow and it has a voice, a way of being in the world, and an energetic frequency. Your shadow, if left anchored in your subconscious, can be projected onto others and create karmic entanglements that take generations to reconcile. You have to take responsibility for what you know about yourself and what you don’t know yet because both sides of that coin are you. You carry your shadow energy everywhere you go, and for some people, it’s like traveling with 10 massive suitcases stuffed to the brim with unacknowledged emotions. Wouldn’t you like to leave those suitcases behind? I’m here to help you make sense of it all in a safe space where no one will judge you as we look at what you’ve been carrying around all these years. I’ve been carrying my own stuff, and who knows – maybe mine is crazier than yours! Click here to learn more about Of Light And Shadow.

The deeper magic of Of Light and Shadow 5 class

When doing shadow work, it is important that we have a safe and grounding space that can hold the energy of all that will arise as we do this work — and Mother Earth is that container, she is the key. In my Of Light and Shadow 5: Working with the Crystalline Grid of the Planet class, we will discuss the Earth’s crystalline grid, the ley lines that comprise the grid, and Gaia’s vortex points, powerful centers of energy that we will activate within ourselves during our time in meditation. We will learn about and discuss the vortex centers, where they are, and what they represent. This is the most grounding and stabilizing meditation you can do while working with your shadow as we will root into Mama Earth, allowing her energy to support whatever we can no longer hold on our own.

Once you have purchased your class, log into your SG account, and you will have access to the OLAS 5 online classroom webpage here. This classroom page includes the prerecorded class for you to view in your own time, as well as additional free bonus class materials to enrich your learning experience.
