Angel Numbers 1: Receiving and Understanding Angel Numbers with Numerology



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Angels are communicating with you! Do you see 11:11 on your phone or watch every single day? Or 2:22 or 3:33? Maybe you wake up in the middle of the night at 4:44 and don’t know why. Or you’re noticing the same sequence of numbers around you in different places. These aren’t just coincidences, they’re messages your angels are sending you. These sequences are called angel numbers.

Angels do not speak in complete sentences, or in words and phrases you can easily understand. When angels want to get your attention, they will provide you with a series of repetitive numbers such as 444 or 567 when you’re looking at the time, license plate numbers, house numbers, receipts, book pages, or any other place numbers are used. In my brand new series, I will teach you to tap into Angel Number frequency, translate their messages, and use some serious number magic. I am here to remind you that you always have the love, support, and guidance of your angels. Learn more about Angel Numbers, here.

The deeper magic of this class

In this first class, I’m offering 90 minutes of the most comprehensive information available on numerology, including your own life path and soul path profiles. You will learn the meaning of all the life path numbers and angel number sequences from 111 to 999, including master numbers 11, 22, and 33. I will also share the top 10 reasons why your angels are communicating with you right now, to help you understand why and when they come to you.

This class is for anyone who has ever seen these number sequences and asked themselves: “What does this mean?”. This is one of my most exciting online courses yet, and the timing is perfect! Our planet is evolving and ascending, and we are seeing these numbers more than ever before. Are you ready?

Buy in advance and save!

Did you know? If you purchase all 3 classes in advance, you will save $10 on your order. You will also receive a free downloadable worksheet to help you explore your personal angel messages further. Journaling is a helpful practice; often, I find that incredible insights come when I begin to write – insights that would not have surfaced otherwise.  This offer is for a limited time only! Click here to learn more.

Once you have purchased your class, log into your SG account, and you will have access to the Angel Numbers 1 online classroom webpage here. This classroom page includes the prerecorded class for you to view in your own time, as well as additional free bonus class materials to enrich your learning experience. Find tools and more resources for working with Angel Numbers here.


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