• Truth and Expression Vishuddha Smudging Set

      for clarity

      Find and share your authentic voice with confidence and ease with this Truth and Expression Vishuddha Smudging Set! This set was handcrafted with love right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters and is meant to activate your Throat Chakra – your center of communication and speaking...
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    • Wellness Perfume

      for fortifying mind, body, and spirit

      It’s so important to take proactive measures to maximize your well-being – and that’s why I created my Wellness Perfume! This perfume was handcrafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters with two of my favorite wellness-bringing notes: Eucalyptus and lavender, to revitalize and strengthen your...
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    • NoFluForYou Perfume

      for wellness

      Be prepared to keep pesky germs away and sidestep flu season with my NoFluForYou Perfume. This blend contains some of the most potent and effective oils known across the world to prevent colds and sickness. Each of the oils used in this perfume is antimicrobial,...
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    • Master Healer Mist

      for rejuvenation and restoration

      If you’ve been waiting for the return of Master Healer Mist, it’s finally here! This customer-favorite was crafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters, with the same incredible notes in my Master Healer Perfume - a combination of 26 different oils and absolutes, including white...
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    • Sushumna Perfume Blend for Optimal Central Channel Energy Flow

      I was called to blend my brand new Sushumna perfume to open and balance the central channel for optimal energy flow. Please join me for Crystal Masters class on February 19 to learn more! There are 7 EO's in this blend, each representing one of...
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    • Freyja Dark Perfume for embodiment and duality

      This is the perfect February blend for all my Soul Shifters! It captures light and dark, spice and sweet, seduction and playfulness. And it’s so good. And deep. Dark. Rich. Explosive yet gentle. My new Freyja Dark Perfume captures the essence of this Norse goddess...
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    Showing 17–22 of 22 results