• Stress Relief Perfume

      for grounding, centering, and calm

      Drop your burdens, tensions, and worries with my Stress Relief Perfume, now back by popular demand! Scent is magic. The olfactory system has the power to create a truly transformative spiritual experience, which is why I thought it was so important to create a perfume...
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    • Relax Perfume for calming and soothing vibrations

      My Relax Perfume is BACK and I don’t know about you, but I think this year could really use it. Blended with lovely notes of bergamot, valerian, and lavender, this fragrance will help you find your calm and peaceful center. Anoint with this blend for...
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    • Sorceress Perfume to unlock the powerful enchantress within

      Unlock your inner enchantress with my Sorceress Perfume, a BRAND NEW fragrance, inspired by the Greek enchantress, Circe. In Greek mythology, Circe is a sorceress, skilled in herbs and potions with the power to transform her enemies into animals. She represents possibility and magic and...
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    Showing 17–19 of 19 results