• Dumortierite Heart of Expanded Vision

      for psychic power

      Seeking answers in the realm of love? This Dumortierite Heart of Expanded Vision will be your guide. It was custom-made just for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from Brazil. Dumortierite is a stone of psychic ability, divine inspiration, higher guidance, and mental discipline....
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    • Amblygonite Stay Calm and Focused Generator

      If you need a tool that will bring serenity and keep you centered, this Amblygonite Stay Calm and Focused Generator is for you! This beautiful piece was custom-made for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from Brazil. The name amblygonite comes from the Greek...
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    • Natural Dumortierite

      for divine inspiration and wisdom

      Are you ready for higher wisdom and inspiration? Then this Natural Dumortierite from Brazil is for you. Dumortierite opens the Third Eye for expanded vision and is also a powerful bringer of peace and patience. It serves as a potent source of comfort for anyone...
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